Thursday, June 5, 2008

About me.

Myself as Wong Chee Onn, prefer called David currently persuing in University Tunku Abdul Rahman year 3 sem 1 with major in Accounting. Before UTAR, i was a KTAR graduate in Sabah. Not to mention that, my hometown is in Sabah, Kota Kinabalu (KK).

Well my hobby last time was basketball, i quit it since my wrist hurt. And lucky i found another hobby past few years, many male youths should know this, it is DOTA.

What i hate most is petrol price rises again. With each sen rises, i need to consider to save money to drive far or spend more on petrol. Can anyone out there do anything to lower the petrol price. We have road closed down last few days and i voice out is not i like chaos or havoc is because our consumers' struggle with low paid salaries.

That all about me. yoroshiku.

Now proceed to the top 5 web sites i visit the most. There are , , , and Now i briefly explain why i like to visit those sites. For, where i can find interesting news such as science and political issue such as Obama VS Clinton. Next, needless to say is for friend and most of you know about it. And then and are just an entertainment for me to watch dramas and interesting video. Utar site where we must logged in especially during the result. That all about it. Thanks for viewing.

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